Welcome to the SLSPC website, a place where the people of Lambton County can find accurate information about suicide, mental illness, and when & how to get support. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people, and men between 40 and 50 years of age have the highest overall rate of suicide among age groups (Reference CMHA National website). Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem but we realize that it may be difficult to reach out for help. This website will help you to navigate the resources in the community for finding that support and knowing when someone (including yourself) may need it.

At SLSPC, we take part in a number of initiatives to help spread information and awareness about the TRUTH regarding suicide. We:
- Distribute HELP cards and other resources with contact information
- Hold safeTALK workshops for individuals who are interested in learning how to speak to someone who is having difficulty with suicidal thoughts
- Reach out to community agencies to engage them in the conversation about suicide and mental illness
- Engage you! Explore our website and check out our news page for regular updates; ask questions because that is really the only way to keep the conversation going.