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Community Connection Collaboration Conference Sept 29 30 Save the Date

See information below from the LHIN about their upcoming Suicide Prevention Conference presented in partnership with CMHA Lambton Kent:

Suicide is a complex issue that affects individuals of any age, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or cultural background. The Mental Health Commission of Canada identified suicide as the leading cause of injury related fatality in Canada, and the second leading cause of death amongst individuals ages 15-34. The literature consistently reports that suicides are highest amongst older males, First Nation’s People, and youth. A growing concern is the increasing amount of suicides amongst the elderly.

Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. Prevention encompasses a range of interventions including: health promotion and prevention, crisis support and ongoing intervention, as well as support for the individuals, families, and communities that have been affected by suicide attempts or suicide loss.

The Erie St. Clair LHIN is establishing communities of practice to leverage existing strategies, ensuring formal and informal system responses for individuals in need.

To develop local communities of practice, the Erie St. Clair LHIN in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent Branch is pleased to invite you to a two day working conference that will share leading practices from other jurisdictions, including approaches to reach unique population groups. We will work to identify the strengths and opportunities within each of the three regions in Erie St. Clair to further develop comprehensive coordinated strategies.

Individuals are invited to register for either Day 1 – the “Kick-Off Conference”, or Day 1 and 2, which will encompass the “Working Conference”.

Day 1: Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 8:30am – 4:30pm (registration at 8:00am)

Day 2: Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 8:30am – 4:30pm

John D. Bradley Convention Centre

565 Richmond St.

Chatham, ON N7M 1R2

Please RSVP here, By Friday, September 4, 2015.

Additionally, we have a block of rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites in Chatham for $129.99 a night. Please book your room before August 28th, as the block of rooms will only be held until this date.

Room bookings:

Please do not hesitate to contact Colleen Close at 1-866-231-5446 ext. 3226, or [email protected] for further information.

Please feel free to share this Save the Date with your colleagues or other community members that may be interested.

If you are feeling suicidal or you are concerned about someone else who may be suicidal please contact your local crisis line or counselling centre.